Unveiling Cutting-Edge Real Estate Video Marketing Ideas to Skyrocket Property Sales


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Real Estate Video Marketing Ideas

Real Estate Video Marketing Ideas

At DesigningIT, we’ve been in the real estate game for over 20 years. One thing we’ve learned? Video marketing is a game-changer. It’s not just us saying it—73% of people selling their homes prefer working with agencies that use video, and 70% of buyers find video tours super helpful.

Videos do more than just show off a property. They let us give a complete walkthrough, share expert advice, feature happy client stories, and answer questions live. This approach boosts our results, whether we’re dealing with homes or commercial spaces.

Thinking about adding video to your marketing mix? You’re in the right place.

We’re here to talk about all the different video types you can create to catch the eye of potential buyers or renters. Plus, we’ll share some key tips on making videos that not only grab attention but also get people to act.

Let’s get started!

Benefits of Real Estate Video Marketing

The real estate market is more competitive than ever. At DesigningIT, we’ve embraced video marketing as a powerful tool to stand out and connect with our audience on a deeper level. Here are the key benefits of integrating video into your real estate marketing strategy:

1. Higher Engagement

Videos are inherently more engaging than static images or text. They capture attention quickly and keep viewers interested, making them stay on your site or social media page longer.

2. Increased Reach

Videos are shareable content that people love to spread around. A well-made property video can quickly go viral, reaching potential buyers far and wide, far beyond traditional marketing means.

3. Builds Trust and Authenticity

Videos allow us to present properties in a transparent and authentic manner. By offering a real look into the property, we build trust with our audience, showing them exactly what to expect.

4. Enhances Understanding

Through video, we can explain complex details about properties in an easy-to-understand way. This helps potential buyers grasp what makes a property special without having to visit in person.

5. Emotional Connection

There’s something about seeing a property in the video that can evoke emotions and help viewers picture themselves living or working there. This emotional connection is invaluable in nudging them towards a decision.

6. SEO Benefits

Search engines love videos because people do. Including videos on your website can boost your SEO, making your properties and agency more visible online.

7. Versatility

Whether it’s a walkthrough, testimonial, or a live Q&A session, videos can be created in various formats to suit different purposes. This versatility ensures that every aspect of the property and service can be showcased.

Homes direct youtube channel

Types of Real Estate Video Marketing 

1. Property Walkthroughs

Property walkthrough videos are a cornerstone of real estate video marketing, offering a virtual tour that guides potential buyers through each property. These videos simulate the experience of an in-person viewing, showcasing not just the layout and features of a home but also its atmosphere and charm. 

By allowing viewers to visualize themselves in the space, walkthroughs can significantly enhance interest and emotional engagement. Additionally, these videos are ideal for sharing on various platforms, from your website to social media, broadening the reach of your listings.

Real Estate Video Marketing

2. Drone Footage

Drone footage takes real estate presentations to new heights—literally. By capturing sweeping aerial views of a property and its surroundings, drone videos offer a dramatic and comprehensive perspective that ground-level shots can’t provide. 

Drone footage for Real Estate Video Marketing

This type of video is particularly effective for properties with extensive grounds, unique landscapes, or impressive architectural features. It not only highlights the scale and location of a property but also its context within a neighborhood or natural setting, appealing to buyers looking for a complete lifestyle package.

3. Virtual Staging

Virtual staging is a game-changer for showcasing the potential of empty or not yet furnished properties. By digitally inserting furniture and decor into a space, these videos help potential buyers visualize what a house could look like as a lived-in home. 

This technique can be especially valuable in helping to sell properties that might otherwise seem cold or uninviting. Virtual staging can transform them into warm, inviting homes that appeal to the buyer’s imagination, making it easier for them to envision their life in the space.

4. Neighborhood Guides

Neighborhood guides are about selling the lifestyle that comes with the property as much as the property itself. These videos explore the area surrounding a property, highlighting local amenities, schools, parks, and community events. 

By giving potential buyers a taste of the neighborhood, you help them picture their daily lives and how they would fit into the community. It’s a powerful way to connect on an emotional level, as the decision to buy often goes beyond the home to the lifestyle and opportunities the location offers.

5. Testimonial Videos

Testimonial videos leverage the power of word-of-mouth in a digital format, offering prospective clients a glimpse into the experiences of past buyers or sellers. These personal stories can significantly boost your agency’s credibility and trustworthiness. 

When potential clients see others speaking passionately about their positive experiences, it reassures them of your professionalism and the quality of service they can expect. Testimonials are particularly effective when they highlight specific aspects of the service that exceeded expectations, such as attention to detail, communication, or problem-solving skills.

6. Expert Advice and Q&A

Expert advice and Q&A videos are invaluable for positioning yourself as a thought leader in the real estate market. By addressing common questions, offering insights into the buying or selling process, or discussing market trends, you provide tangible value to your audience. 

These videos not only inform and educate but also build trust, as you’re seen as a reliable source of information. Regularly publishing expert content can also encourage engagement, prompting viewers to return for more insights and potentially reach out for services.

7. Market Updates

Market update videos keep your audience informed about the latest trends, price movements, and predictions for the real estate market. By breaking down complex market data into digestible, relatable content, you can help buyers and sellers make informed decisions. 

These updates can also reinforce your expertise in the market, showcasing your knowledge and analytical skills. Engaging with viewers through regular market updates keeps your brand top of mind, making it more likely they’ll turn to you when they’re ready to make a move in the market.

Trends video for Real Estate Video Marketing

8. “How-To” Guides

“How-to” guides offer practical advice on various aspects of buying, selling, and owning real estate. From preparing a home for sale to navigating mortgage applications, these videos can demystify complex processes for your audience. 

By providing valuable, actionable content, you not only assist viewers in their real estate journey but also establish your brand as a helpful, customer-focused agency. This approach can lead to increased engagement, with viewers more likely to seek out your services for further guidance and support.

9. Event Highlights

Event highlights showcase your agency’s participation in or hosting of open houses, seminars, community projects, and more. These videos can capture the energy and professionalism of your team, as well as your commitment to clients and the community. 

Sharing highlights from events not only provides content that is engaging and entertaining but also demonstrates your agency’s active role in the real estate market and its dedication to building relationships with clients and the community

Real Estate Video Marketing Ideas

Idea 1: Before and After Transformations

Before and after transformation videos captivate viewers by showcasing the dramatic changes a property can undergo through renovations or staging. These transformations not only highlight the property’s potential but also demonstrate your agency’s ability to envision and realize that potential. 

This type of content can be particularly inspiring for buyers considering properties that need a bit of work or for sellers unsure about the value of staging. It illustrates the tangible impact of well-thought-out improvements and design choices, making it easier for clients to dream big and see beyond the current state of a space.

Timelapse video for Real Estate Video Marketing

Idea 2: A Day in the Neighborhood

A day in the neighborhood videos immerse potential buyers in the local lifestyle, offering a glimpse into what a typical day might look like if they lived there. From morning jogs in the nearby park to evening outings at local restaurants and cafes, these videos paint a vivid picture of daily life. 

They can help buyers connect emotionally with an area, highlighting not just the tangible features of a neighborhood but the feeling of being part of a community. This approach goes beyond the property itself to sell a lifestyle, appealing to buyers looking for a place that fits their personal and social needs.

City overview video

Idea 3: Design and Decor Tips

Videos offering design and decor tips tap into the vast audience interested in home improvement and interior design. Collaborating with designers to provide viewers with creative ideas for enhancing their spaces can position your agency as a resource for more than just property transactions. 

These videos can inspire potential buyers by showing them how they can personalize and improve various types of spaces, from cozy apartments to sprawling estates. For sellers, such content can offer valuable advice on how to make their property more appealing to a broad audience, potentially speeding up the sale process.

Idea 4: Innovative Use of Space

Highlighting properties with innovative uses of space or featuring smart home technologies appeals to modern buyers interested in efficiency and sustainability. These videos can showcase unique solutions to common living challenges, such as foldable furniture for small apartments or energy-saving systems in larger homes. 

By focusing on innovation, you attract a demographic keen on cutting-edge features and sustainable living, differentiating your listings in a crowded market. This content not only showcases the property’s features but also educates viewers on the possibilities and benefits of modern home innovations.

Idea 5: Historical Insights

For properties with a rich history or distinctive architectural features, videos that delve into their background can captivate viewers with stories and details that make a space unique. These historical insights can turn a property into a living piece of history, appealing to buyers interested in more than just a place to live but a story to be part of. 

This approach adds depth to your listings, showcasing them not just as structures but as homes with character and legacy. Such content can attract a niche market of buyers who value heritage and are looking for properties with a unique story or architectural significance.

Idea 6: Client Journey Stories

Sharing client journey stories from the initial search to finding the perfect home adds a human element to your brand. These stories can cover various scenarios, from first-time buyers navigating the market to families finding their dream home after a lengthy search. 

By focusing on the emotional and personal aspects of the real estate journey, these videos can resonate deeply with potential clients, encouraging them to engage with your agency. They not only serve as testimonials of your service but also as relatable narratives that prospective buyers and sellers can connect with, fostering trust and empathy.

Idea 7: Environmental and Eco-Friendly Features

Focusing on properties with environmental and eco-friendly features meets the growing demand for sustainable living options. These videos can highlight energy-efficient appliances, solar panels, green building materials, and other eco-friendly innovations. 

By showcasing these features, you appeal to environmentally conscious buyers looking for homes that align with their values. Additionally, these videos can educate viewers on the benefits and practicalities of sustainable living, further positioning your agency as forward-thinking and responsible. This niche yet increasingly popular content can set your listings apart and attract a dedicated audience interested in green living.

Where Should Real Estate Videos Be Posted?

Given the visual and engaging nature of the video, certain platforms stand out for their ability to showcase properties, connect with audiences, and drive action. Let’s delve into the most effective places to share your real estate videos.

Social Media Channels

Social media platforms are a powerhouse for engaging potential buyers and creating buzz around your listings. Each platform offers unique features and audiences, making it crucial to tailor your approach:

  1. Facebook: With its vast user base, Facebook is ideal for sharing property walkthroughs, live Q&A sessions, and client testimonials. Its targeting capabilities allow you to reach specific demographics, and features like Facebook Live can add an interactive element to your open houses or market updates.
  1. Instagram: Highly visual and popular among younger demographics, Instagram is perfect for sharing eye-catching drone footage, stylish virtual staging videos, and engaging stories of day-to-day life in a neighborhood. Utilize Instagram Stories and IGTV for longer content and consider leveraging Instagram Reels for short, captivating highlights.
  1. YouTube: As the second-largest search engine after Google, YouTube is essential for longer-form content like detailed property tours, educational videos, and expert interviews. Properly tagged and described videos on YouTube can also improve your SEO and help potential clients find your content through search.
Market spotlight for Real Estate Video Marketing
  1. LinkedIn: Ideal for commercial real estate and networking with industry professionals, LinkedIn can be a platform for sharing market analysis, expert advice videos, and professional achievements. It helps establish credibility and expertise in the real estate sector.
Real estate video on Linkedin
  1. TikTok: For capturing the attention of a younger audience, TikTok offers a platform for creative and viral real estate content. Short, engaging videos showcasing properties, fun facts about neighborhoods, or behind-the-scenes looks at the real estate world can resonate well here.

Real Estate Websites

Your agency’s website and specialized real estate listing sites are other crucial venues for your videos. Here’s why:

Real Estate Video for website
  1. Agency Websites: Embedding videos directly on your website can enhance user experience, keep visitors engaged longer, and provide a comprehensive view of your listings. Include video content in your listings, blog posts, and about pages to enrich your site content and improve SEO.
  1. Listing Sites: Platforms like Zillow, Realtor.com, and Trulia allow you to add video tours to your listings, giving you an edge over competitors who only use photos. These platforms cater to serious homebuyers, making your video content more likely to convert viewers into leads.
  1. Virtual Tours Platforms: Dedicated virtual tour platforms offer a specialized venue for immersive 360-degree property tours. These platforms can be linked to your website or social media channels, providing a more in-depth viewing experience for interested buyers.

Real Estate Video Marketing Tools

Real estate video marketing tools are essential for creating compelling content that attracts and engages potential buyers. These tools range from software for editing and enhancing videos to platforms for hosting and sharing your video content. Here’s a roundup of some key tools that can help you elevate your real estate video marketing:


Vidyard is a versatile video platform perfect for real estate professionals aiming to boost their marketing efforts. It allows for personalized video messaging to connect with clients uniquely, centralized hosting for easy management of all property tours and market updates, and in-depth analytics to understand viewer engagement and optimize content. 

With features for lead generation, such as embedded calls-to-action and easy integration with CRM and email platforms, Vidyard facilitates not just the sharing of videos across websites and social media but also turns these videos into powerful tools for generating leads and building relationships. Its comprehensive suite of tools supports real estate agents in creating, managing, and leveraging video content to its fullest potential, making it a valuable asset in any real estate marketing strategy.


Promo real estate video maker

Promo is an online video creation platform that’s incredibly user-friendly, making it ideal for real estate agents who want to produce high-quality marketing videos without needing extensive video editing skills. It provides a vast library of video templates, stock footage, and music, enabling users to create professional-looking videos quickly and easily. 

Promo is particularly useful for showcasing properties, creating engaging ads for social media, or sharing client testimonials. 


Invideo real estate video maker

InVideo is a highly accessible online video creation tool that offers a wide range of features tailored for users with varying levels of video editing experience, making it a great choice for real estate professionals. It provides a vast selection of templates, stock footage, and music tracks, allowing users to craft engaging and professional-looking videos for property showcases, client testimonials, or marketing campaigns with ease. 

InVideo’s platform is designed to simplify the video creation process with an intuitive interface, drag-and-drop functionality, and the ability to customize videos to match your brand’s look and feel.

To Wrap It Up

Video marketing is a game-changer in real estate. At DesigningIT, we’ve learned that videos really help sell properties. They show off homes in a way that grabs people’s attention and makes them interested in buying. Since most buyers and sellers like videos, using them can make a big difference in getting a property sold. Simply put, videos are a key tool for selling homes today.

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