Positioning Hotels: Strategy, Value Proposition & Market


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Positioning Hotels: Strategy, Value Proposition & Market

Positioning Hotels: Strategy, Value Proposition & Market

Ever felt overwhelmed in a bustling metropolis, without an idea of where to go? That’s what it can feel like for hotels that try to carve out their space in the highly competitive industry. They’re searching for that unique spot on the map where they can stand out and attract visitors.

But how does a hotel rise above its competitors and make guests choose it over others? It all depends on three key elements: positioning strategy, value proposition, and understanding the target market

Like skilled guides who are able to map a path through unfamiliar territory, successful hotels know how to position themselves strategically amidst competition and offer unique experiences that resonate with their audience.

Are you also among the hotel owners who are lost in this competitive industry? Let’s navigate the world of hospitality marketing together. Our team at DesigningIT will help you craft unique experiences for potential guests, address their concerns effectively to keep them coming back, and explore new markets to expand your reach!

Table Of Contents:

  1. Exploring the Concept of Positioning Strategy in Hotels
  2. How To Identify And Understand Your Hotel’s Target Market?
  3. How To Craft a Unique Value Proposition for Your Hotel
  4. How To Leverage Effective Marketing Strategies in the Hotel Industry
  5. Measuring Performance and Adapting Your Strategy for Continued Success
  6. FAQs in Relation to Positioning Strategy Hotels, Hotel Value Proposition, Hotels Target Market
  7. Conclusion

Exploring the Concept of Positioning Strategy in Hotels

In the world of boutique hotels, a successful positioning strategy is like a master chef’s secret recipe. It encompasses key ingredients such as image, reputation, and unique selling points.

The term ‘positioning a hotel’ essentially describes how your brand distinguishes itself from competitors within the hotel market. Your position communicates who you are and what value you offer to potential guests.

A critical part here is understanding your hotel’s target market. By identifying their needs, you can implement effective marketing strategies that resonate with them on an emotional level.

How To Identify And Understand Your Hotel’s Target Market?

Defining your hotel target market is more than just knowing who might stay in your rooms. It’s about understanding their preferences, values, and budget to provide a guest experience that exceeds expectations.

An effective target market research strategy will reveal key insights into potential guests’ behaviors and needs. This knowledge forms the bedrock for an effective positioning strategy in hotels.

A well-defined group of people to target can differ greatly depending on various aspects, such as location, amenities available, or even the narrative you want to communicate. For instance, eco-conscious travelers could be a lucrative market segment if sustainable practices are part of your hotel’s unique identity.

Gather Data About Your Potential Guests

If you want to identify a specific market segment within the broader hotel market that may prefer what you offer over competitors, start with gathering data. This is the cornerstone of success and is highly recommended by our marketers at DesigningIT. 

We advise you to pay attention to surveys, customer reviews, or loyalty program feedback. These sources give valuable insights into both loyal customers’ satisfaction levels and potential areas for improvement.

Your competitor analysis should also include reading through their guest reviews because this provides clues about where they’re failing to meet guests’ expectations (your opportunity) or exceeding them (your challenge). Remember that any gap between what competitors offer and what clients need represents an untapped chance for growth.

Here are the main data-gathering methods we implement at DesigningIT:

Data Gathering MethodDescription
1. Emails– Collect guest email addresses during online bookings or integrate with property management systems (PMS). – Front desk agents can politely ask during check-in or check-out. – Utilize self-check-in processes for email collection. – Loyalty programs can encourage guests to share their email addresses.
2. Special Requests and Amenities– Use the booking engine to allow guests to request additional amenities during reservation. – Send pre-stay messages to anticipate and fulfill specific requests. – Manually record guest preferences in customer profiles based on interactions and requests during their stay.
3. Social Media– Profile guests based on their interactions (likes, shares, comments) on your hotel’s social media posts. – Use social media management tools to track conversations and sort relevant information. – Focus on information directly related to your hotel to enhance guest experience.
4. Reviews– Ask for reviews in post-stay messaging and at check-out. – Integrate with reputation management software to automate review collection and response monitoring. – Host review contests to encourage participation.
5. Loyalty Programs– Guests willingly share information when joining loyalty programs for personalized service. – Offer a variety of appealing rewards to cater to diverse guest preferences. – Limit rules and restrictions for maximum guest engagement. – Partner with other hotels to expand program reach.
6. Data Management– Utilize a modern property management system (PMS) to collect first-party guest data. – PMS supports personalized service through guest profiles with stay history, demographics, and preferences. – Automation features facilitate personalized routine emails.- Integrate PMS with CRM or guest engagement software for targeted guest communications.

Craft Unique Experiences Based On Insights Gathered

The trick isn’t merely to identify opportunities but to use them effectively by creating unique experiences tailored around each group’s wants & pain points. The core of DesigningIT hotel marketing processes is monitoring and managing each aspect of our customer experience, hence doubling the number of happy clients.

That’s how successful hotel marketing strategies work! 

We make sure every action contributes towards establishing solid foundations based on an accurate understanding of targeted segments’ needs, thus boosting your hotel’s market share.

And remember – success isn’t just about attracting customers; it’s also about encouraging repeat business. So always strive to understand what makes your loyal customer base tick and adapt accordingly. Otherwise, let our experts handle the situation.

Don’t forget to monitor how your competitors are doing. Their performance could show you opportunities for growth that you haven’t seen yet. With all the gathered data at hand, you can create a robust marketing strategy that puts your hotel in the best position possible. It’s about using what you know to offer experiences that not only meet but exceed guest expectations.

How To Craft a Unique Value Proposition for Your Hotel

When it comes to setting your hotel apart from the competition, crafting a unique value proposition (UVP) is key. Working closely with your stakeholders, we will make sure that this statement not only highlights your hotel’s distinctiveness but also tells potential guests why they should choose you over others.

Leverage Unique Selling Points to Differentiate Your Brand

Your UVP needs to be rooted in what makes your brand truly special. These unique selling points can range from an excellent location and superior amenities to unparalleled customer service or sustainable practices that appeal particularly to eco-conscious travelers. 

In fact, 35% of hotel guests prefer eco-friendly hotels which is a major marketing selling point in the industry.

The goal here isn’t just about attracting customers; it’s about capturing the right kind of guests – those who appreciate and seek out what you offer. The more precise you are in conveying your unique selling point, the better able you’ll be to connect with your target audience.

Build Trust and Recognition through Consistent Brand Messaging

A compelling brand story plays a crucial role in building trust among your guests. But telling that story once isn’t enough—you need consistency across all touchpoints of guest interaction—from social media posts and email marketing campaigns, down to staff interactions on-site.

Based on our experience, this consistent messaging reinforces your positioning strategy by continuously reminding audiences why they chose—or should choose—your hotel brand above competitors. Having your customers feel part of something bigger—an ongoing narrative—creates an emotional connection that drives repeat business.

How we create a hotel USP in 6 steps

Here are the main steps our team at DesigningIT takes to create a hotel USP:

Steps to Create a Hotel USPDescription
1. Perform Competitive Analysis:Conduct a thorough competitive analysis by examining three to five of your major competitors. Ask your team questions such as: – What attracts guests to competitors instead of your property? – What offers are your competitors missing? – How are competitors satisfying your ideal guest? – What can your property do better to capture customer attention?
2. Pinpoint Your Target Audience:Identify your target market by creating a marketing profile that includes details like: – Name – Age range – Reason for travel – Average length of stay – Average hotel budget – Pain points related to hotel stays Determine why guests choose your hotel over competitors and how you exceed their expectations.
3. Consider Your Location:Recognize the significance of your hotel’s location and highlight aspects that set it apart from neighboring options. Explore your proximity to landmarks, local hotspots, and accessible transportation. Tailor your messaging based on what aspects of your location are valuable to your target demographic.
4. Maximize Comfort:Focus on the universal appeal of comfort. Enhance guest comfort through thoughtful upgrades, such as luxurious bedding or unique amenities. Consider providing unexpected moments of luxury to differentiate your property.
5. Define Your Value:Articulate the value your hotel offers over the competition. This could include services like valet parking, an onsite spa, or personalized breakfast options. Align your hotel USP with the unique value guests receive for their investment.
6. Get Direct FeedbackEngage in market research by directly communicating with guests through methods like focus groups, surveys, and post-stay satisfaction questions. Seek insights beyond price and availability, exploring common threads, personal stories, and favorite features to refine your hotel USP.
Carve out a unique brand: To win in the competitive hospitality industry, you need to create a unique value proposition (UVP) that showcases your hotel’s distinctive features. Use these unique selling points—like top-notch amenities or sustainable practices—to draw in the right guests. Then, make sure there’s consistency in how you communicate this across all customer touchpoints to establish and reinforce your unique brand identity.

How To Leverage Effective Marketing Strategies in the Hotel Industry

So, you want to market a hotel? While it may seem challenging, let’s not be discouraged! Figuring out the correct hotel marketing strategy and recognizing who your target audience is can be a great start. Here is how our expert team at DesigningIT manages effective and revenue-generating hotel marketing processes.

The first step is to define your hotel’s target market. Whether they are business-travelers or eco-conscious tourists, understanding their needs will guide all marketing efforts.

Next up – positioning. The question is no longer “What’s our stance?”, but rather, “How do we secure our place in the hotel industry?”. Remember, great brand positioning establishes a memorable identity within your audience’s mind and leads to loyalty among guests.

Analyze Competitors for Better Positioning

As Sun Tzu said: “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.” So start by analyzing what other hotels offer. 

This doesn’t mean stalking them on social media (although that might help too!), but rather looking at guest reviews from customers who have stayed there. For example, our team uses this information as a powerful tool for differentiation and carving out unique experiences for your guests based on gaps identified in competitors’ offerings.

Dominate Online with Digital Marketing Strategies

In today’s digital age, having an online presence isn’t enough; dominating online platforms has become crucial for success in any industry including hospitality. Working with the DesigningIT team of experts you are guaranteed to have effective digital marketing strategies such as SEO optimization and email campaigns which allow potential guests to find you easily when they’re searching online.

Leveraging digital marketing strategies isn’t just about creating your hotel’s website or writing social media posts (which we take care of). It’s also about making sure your hotel’s unique selling proposition is communicated clearly to the right audience at the right time.

What you should remember is that your hotel’s effective marketing isn’t an overnight achievement. It needs strategic planning and constant effort!

Start by pinpointing your target market, whether that’s business travelers or eco-conscious tourists. Stake out your spot in the industry and work hard to keep it – this is how you’ll build loyalty. Let competitor reviews guide you on ways to differentiate yourself. Then take charge of the digital world with smart strategies like SEO and targeted email campaigns that highlight what sets your hotel apart.

Influence Customer Perception and Loyalty with Strong Brand Positioning

A solid brand positioning strategy can do wonders for customer perception. When done right with our assistance, it will help customers instantly recognize your brand among other hotels while creating a sense of loyalty towards it.

To start shaping perceptions effectively, we identify key elements that make up your hotel’s unique charm. Is it located near popular attractions? Do you have exceptional staff offering top-notch service? Or maybe there are sustainable practices at play that appeal to eco-conscious travelers?

All these factors contribute significantly towards painting a compelling picture of what staying at your property feels like – thus influencing decisions on where potential guests choose to book their stay.

Craft Your Hotel’s Unique Value Proposition Through Effective Positioning Strategy

An effective “positioning strategy” helps craft a strong value proposition – essentially why someone should pick you over others. 

It involves taking into account guest reviews as well as conducting competitor analysis for a better understanding of market segments and gaps they might be missing out on; those become opportunities for differentiation.

Having a hotel marketing strategy isn’t enough. It’s crucial to execute it well with digital marketing tools. Email campaigns and social media are perfect for this job. They let you share your hotel’s unique charm and value directly with potential guests. By doing so, you can influence how they see your hotel, build a loyalty brand, and ultimately stand out in the competitive hospitality market.

Measuring Performance and Adapting Your Strategy for Continued Success

Staying abreast of how your hotel brand is faring in the ever-evolving landscape of marketing is an absolute necessity, not just a suggestion. With so many channels and marketing strategies, it can be easy to lose sight of whether or not you’re actually achieving your goals. This is where we bring key performance indicators (KPIs) into play.

Tracking KPIs, such as customer feedback and conversion rates, gives you quantifiable proof that either validates your strategy or highlights areas needing improvement. But don’t let this scare you. In fact, having data-backed insights about what isn’t working provides an opportunity to adapt and grow.

The Power of Customer Feedback

Gathering customer reviews not only helps measure satisfaction levels but also acts as a vital tool for understanding pain points in their journey with your brand. With these data, we identify if your business is truly creating unique experiences for your guests.

Useful tip from our marketers: No feedback should ever go unnoticed; each review offers potential lessons that could reshape how you connect with future guests. Even if the feedback is negative, you should always respect your guests and show them how you will solve the problems they face when staying at your hotel.

Find Opportunities in Metrics

Analyzing metrics shouldn’t feel like deciphering hieroglyphics; they are merely numerical stories revealing how well we’ve managed to capture our hotel target market’s attention through compelling storytelling on social media platforms or successful email marketing campaigns.

We need these narratives because they guide us toward opportunities hidden within patterns that would otherwise remain undiscovered—opportunities begging for innovation from those willing enough to see them.

As you can see, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach when adapting strategies based on insights gleaned from measuring performance. We see it as an ongoing process, always shifting as you discover more about your target audience and what makes them tick.

Pay attention to each piece of data, each review as they’re not just numbers or words. They are stories guiding you, helping shape your future interactions with guests, and refining the way you run your hotel. Embrace them as invaluable tools for improvement!

FAQs in Relation to Positioning Strategy Hotels, Hotel Value Proposition, Hotels Target Market

What is the market positioning strategy of a hotel?

This strategy is all about crafting an image that sets it apart from competitors. This could hinge on factors like unique services, stellar reputation, or a compelling brand story.

What is the target market of the hotel industry?

The target market in hotels can vary greatly—luxury travelers, business guests, budget tourists, and more. It depends largely on what kind of experience your establishment offers.

What are the 4 P’s of marketing in the hotel industry?

These are the 4 P’s of hospitality marketing: 

1. Product- what service/experience you’re selling

2. Price- how much folks will shell out for it

3. Place- where they can get this service

4. Promotion- how to spread the word about your offer

What are the different market segments in the hotel industry?

Market segmentation within hotels includes luxury resorts targeting high-end clients; mid-range spots serving business or casual travelers; economy lodgings catering to cost-conscious customers; extended-stay options for long-term visitors—the list goes on.


Navigating the hotel industry isn’t easy. But, with a clear positioning strategy, you can stand out from the crowd. Remember: your brand’s unique identity and reputation play vital roles in attracting customers.

Understanding your target market is just as important. When you know their needs and preferences, it lets you create compelling offers that resonate with them.

Your hotel value proposition should be one-of-a-kind too. It’s all about offering unique experiences that competitors don’t provide. Our experience in hotel marketing and profound market knowledge will help you in the process of crafting a unique value proposition. With a keen eye on KPIs, we will make sure to set up and adapt strategies based on feedback. With DesigningIT or without, now you are all ready to chart a successful course in the competitive landscape of hotels!

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